My public speeches
Actually, more like hall of shame because I cannot watch/listen to myself without cringe, but in this time and age everyone has to be a salesman. Well, not really, but it kind of help with self-development and getting confidence, so whatever. Remember kids! You don’t have to be competent to be a public speaker! (Or write a book. Or blog. Or OSS. Or get a job.)
Presentations/workshops/etc are listed from the newest to the oldest.
Slow Auto, Inconvenient Semi - escaping false dichotomy with sanely-automatic derivation presentation (yet again)
Scalar 2025 | Warsaw, at POLIN Conference Centre, at 2025.03.27 |
Video | soon |
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As always I felt very welcomed at Scalar with awesome people from the Warsaw Scala community.
Yet again I haven’t fit into the time slot for the presentation, but only a bit.
Guest at Scala Space podcast discussing Derive and conquer (the compile times)
Scala Space | streamed at 2024.11.15 |
Video | YouTube |
We had a blast with Łukasz Biały, discussing all the stuff about derivation, type classes, Chimney, how we get here and what can we do better.
Slow Auto, Inconvenient Semi - escaping false dichotomy with sanely-automatic derivation presentation (again) | Paris, at EPITA (Kremlin-Bicêtre) at 2024.11.07 |
Video | YouTube |
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It was a wonderful conderence where I met a lot of friendly people who shared their knowledge with everyone.
I went a bit too long with my talk, but I was the last one on Thursday (the first day of the conference) so it was not a problem.
Slow Auto, Inconvenient Semi - escaping false dichotomy with sanely-automatic derivation presentation
The Art of Scala | Warsaw, at Multikino (Złote Tarasy) at 2024.10.10 |
Video | YouTube |
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I woke up early, it was a beautiful sunny day. The bus arrived on time. The train arrived only a little late. I had a relaxing travel to Warsaw, to tell everyone that they are doing it wrong ™. I did the talk it was splending.
I kept avoiding assassins sent by all Scala libraries’ maintainers until the afterparty.
Domain, API, DTO - translaiting between layers with Chimney presentation
ScalaWAW #32 | streamed at 2024.04.18 |
Video | YouTube |
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Warsaw was as hospitable as always. It was a really nice meetup with pizzas, non-alkoholic beers and an extremely professional recording setup.
Type Classes - more than just strategy pattern presentation
Ya!vaConf | streamed at 2023.12.08 |
Video | Available for 3 months on conference page (VoD). |
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My first remote presentation since covid. It went pretty nice, the first dat of the conference when all remote things happened was pretty nice and well organised.
Scala 2 vs Scala 3 macros presentation
The Art of Scala | Warsaw, at Multikino (Złote Tarasy) at 2023.11.17 |
Video | YouTube |
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I went slightly overtime but in general it was a overall nice experiece and staying late a few times this week paid off.
Unveiling the Magic: Chimney’s Internals, Macros & Scala 3 Transition presentation
The Art of Scala | Warsaw, at KinoGram Cinema (Fabryka Norblina) at 2023.05.25 |
Video | Unfortunatelly, not recorded :( |
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Many people were curious about the state of transition to Scala 3 in Chimney and kept on asking me about it. Additionally, I was happy to see everyone from the wonderful Warsaw’s community again. I couldn’t overlook such an opportunity so I killed 2 birds with 1 stone.
The Original Sin of Scala Ecosystems presentation (again)
Kraków Scala Users Group | Kraków, at Klub Re at 2023.02.26 |
Video | Unfortunatelly, not recorded :( |
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After warm welcome to my presentation at The Art of Scala, I was asked to show it again in Kraków at KSUG. I agreed, as this was a very nice opportunity to meet all the wonderful people from Virtus Lab, including smart devlopers working on the compiler and tooling.
The Original Sin of Scala Ecosystems presentation
The Art of Scala | Warsaw, at Magic Mind Museum (Centrum Praskie Koneser) at 2022.11.16 |
Video | Unfortunatelly, no video - it was recorded, but video hasn’t been released yet |
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After missing out the first edition I wanted to be at the second event. Event had a nice intimate vibe, talks were made in a cosy, vividly lighten hall. There were a lot of interesting discussions and nobody throw a tomato during my talk! It was nice to see everyone again.
Why Event Sourcing Is hard presentation
Lambda Days 2022 | Kraków, at Auditorium Maximum of UJ + streamed at 2022.07.29 |
Video | YouTube |
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Lambda Days 2022 was a great and refreshing experience after a long break from presenting in front of a live audience. I loved how I meet many people in person and the discussion we had. It made it easy go on stage and present what I believed was hardly ever mentioned by many intruductions to event sourcing: that once you start dealing with a real project and a real world there are challenges. They are not impossible to overcome (after all we use ES on prod and it works!) but it helps being aware of certain things upfront.
A Few Tips on Modellling Things in Scala presentation
Scala Love conference | streamed at 2021.02.13 |
Video | YouTube |
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Scala Love set up a high bar for other on-line conferences. It was a pleasure to be there. I presented the topic that became deer to me - how to define your models so maintenance of code would be easier, intentions more self-evident and dealing with the edges of your world (API, DBs) a little less hacky. The topic is huge and I could only cover a small portion of it, so I picked what I believe is both quite important, and hardly ever discussed (= no conflicts with other speakers) - breaking away from omnipresence of flat models, often full of options.
Why You Should Care About JVM presentation
Scala in the City | streamed at 2020.11.25 |
Video | YouTube |
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My first public presentation after a long break. To my surprise, I didn’t go overtime. While preparing it I decided to experiment a bit with drawing and handwriting as something to illustrate what is happening. Kinda worked? I was invited, I had no better idea, so I used this as an opportunity to do some shameless self-promotion and sell millions of copies of my book. It didn’t work, I still have to be employed.
Guest at Scala Love podcast discussing Things You Need to Know about JVM
Scala Love podcast | published at 2020.09.24 |
Podcast | Scala.Love/things-you-need-to-know-about-jvm-with-mateusz-kubuszok/ |
Dear Scala Lover organisers invited me to talk a bit about my book about Scala and JVM. :) It was really nice experience after which a lot of my friends complained to me about the quality of my mic. So I had to buy a better one.
Explain FP Like Richard Feynman presentation (again but in EN)
Scalar 2019 | Warsaw, at POLIN Conference Centre, 2019.05.05 |
Video | YouTube |
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I got this talk right after John do Goes and Wiem Zine and I know I will look bad in comparison. But since I already decided that I will just speak about a few things that are interesting me, and heavy, mind-bogging stuff will be taken care by other speakers, so the dissapointment in lowering the bar won’t be that much of an issue, I went with it at it and it was OK. It would be much worse if I had to present after much more presentations of higher quality.
Explain FP Like Richard Feynman presentation (in PL)
ScalaWAW #14 | Warsaw, 2019.03.27 |
Video | YouTube |
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When I was encouraged to apply to Scalar, I saw all these technical stuff that was already spoken, and I though: “Oh, go to hell! Let’s do a light speech that will set the lower bound of quality!”. But in the meantime, ScalaWAW organisers suggested that I could present it before Scalar. So I did. It was really fun.
From Type to Kind Projector presentation
They wanted a presentation about types, they got everything I have. The first half I presented completely sober, and after some break from presenting, so I was a bit nervious. The second part I did after one beer, and I admit it helped. At least it helped me, content was of the same quality as always (low). But this was the first time I used ASCIIDoctor generator for Reveal.js, so I was able to create the slides faster that ever before!
Nice Scalaz (and Cats) monads you want to use: State, Free, Task, as well as Validation workshop again
Lambda Days 2017 workshops | Kraków, 2017.02.11 |
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WWW | Checkout repo and open slides directory |
I did my ScalaWave workshop again to get a free ticket to Lambda Days conf. This time I had the presentation done, and ScalaC hired some public speaking coach, so for the first time I was actually prepared to make a speech! One of the improvements I made was changing the time of workshops from 4h to 6h. Today I would probably suggest 8h. Except today, I would redo almost everething, but why should I if some other competent people already prepare such courses and keep them up to date?
Scala Is Not Java presentation
Functional Tricity #5 | Gdańsk, at Olivia Business Center, 2017.01.19 |
Video | YouTube |
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I didn’t have any dry run with this one, so I was waaaay overtime and organiser wanted to kill me afterwards. But I wasn’t super stressed, so I guess I slowly got used to making a fool of myself publicly.
Nice Scalaz (and Cats) monads you want to use: State, Free, Task, as well as Validation workshop
ScalaWave 2016 | Gdańsk, 2016.11.25 |
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WWW | Checkout repo and open slides directory |
This workshop was crazy. Even though I started working on it quite early, even diring the weekend before the conference I saw a lot of flaws to address (which were not fast to fix, as I still wrote all HTML tags for Reveal.js manually at a time) and I was running out of time. Workshops were at Wedensday, and I was driving from Wrocław to Gdańsk at Tuesday. It was something like 5h of driving after 4h of sleeping, because there was so much to do, and no day off (I took half of the Tuesday off, and whole of Wedensday and Thursday because of conference). Never again. I though I was gonna die on highway. Tuesday evening was a test run, internally at ScalaC, so later that night and the next morning before workshops, I was still commiting fixes based on a feedback. But at least, a few good people became interested in Cats ecosystem and became contributors, so it was worth it, I guess?
Scala On Android presentation (in PL)
Scalapolis | Wrocław, at Silver Tower Center, 2016.09.03 |
Video | Unfortunatelly, no videos - it was recorded but videos got lost on organisers hard drive |
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This was a small, local conference organised by Wrocław Scala community members. Talks were in Polish, and no video was uploaded to this day, still it was fun. I talked about my findings when I tried to develop some small project on Android (for the first time) and for that I used, Scala, Scalaz and Free monads. Well, it run.
High Quality with Scala from Day One presentation (again)
ScaLAB conference | Wrocław, at Afrykarium conference hall, 2016.06.25 |
Video | Unfortunatelly, not recorded :( |
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I was a bit anxious about this one so whenit was my turn I decided to start ASAP before the stress kick-in. As a result it was the first presentation I gave with a relative ease. Probably, because I was presenting it for the second time.
High Quality with Scala from Day One presentation
LDN Functionals #6 | London, 2016.04.12 |
Video | YouTube |
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This one was even more scary to me than the first one. I was the first time in London, and everyone there was someone new to me. I felt really nervous through all the presentation. :D The presentation was about basically using linters and conventions to move away from all that crap that “better Java” approach produces, though today I would have 10x more to say about the topic.
Optimizing Heavy Web Service presentation
X Tricity Scala User Group | Gdańsk, at Olivia Business Center, 2016.01.28 |
Video | YouTube |
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My first public presentation. I made a test run of it internally, in ScalaC, but speaking in front of a lot of unfamiliar faces for the first time was super scary. :) I talked about what I learnt when I was working with my first, big Scala project, about the tools that were used to instrument application and a few techniques that we used when we discovered bottlenecks. And none of these techniques involved tuning JVM. :D